Task Loop

RISD 2019

Task Loop is a desktop task timer designed to increase a user’s efficiency and productivity. Working in specific intervals, such as in the Pomodoro Technique, has been shown to increase concentration during the timed period. Productive working periods and accomplishment can build self-esteem, reduce stress, and help one become more engaged in one’s work, leading to better mental health in the office and at home.



Ideation, sketching, physical prototyping






Often people try to complete multi-hour work periods with the intent of maintaining concentration and productivity. Unfortunately, working for periods of time longer than 50 minutes actually hinders our productivity.

There are no task timers specifically design for productive working periods. Timers on the market are often very loud which can distract a shared workspace. Phone timers lead to distractions that break concentration.


Task Loop is designed to break the work day into smaller, more productive work periods between 25 and 50 minutes. It displays passing time in an abstract and analogue nature to avoid distracting the user from their work while giving them the awareness of passing time.




Pomodoro Technique

This popular technique involves using a timer to break work down into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Working in shorter time intervals helps your brain achieve more productive periods followed by a rewarding break.


On concentration

“Simply having them take two brief breaks from their main task.... allowed them to stay focused during the entire experiment... This study is consistent with the idea that the brain is built to detect and respond to change... and suggests that prolonged attention to a single task actually hinders performance.”

- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
"Brief Diversions Vastly Improve Focus, Researchers Find."
ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 8 February 2011.







Abstract time keeping

The dial’s sparse time indicators prompt the user to focus on the sensation of passing time rather than be distracted by the precise time keeping.


Building tension

Task loop visualizes passing time and builds tension as the ball climbs to the top of the loop. A user will work fast and maintain concentration as they anticipate the ball dropping after reaching the blue mark.


Present, but not distracting

Task Loop’s color and sculptural form liven up the workplace while its movements are slow enough not to pull one’s attention away from one’s work.

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Hospital Toy